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DIA Academy - Transforming Limitations into Potentials | 将局限转化为潜力
Dialogue Includes All (DIA) is a social enterprise that envisions an inclusive and empathetic society where all are equal with zero barriers and no separation between the abled and disabled community. It is to bridge the gap to promote understanding, equality, and value of every human being.
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Kokorone - 从「心」打造优质睡眠
全球有21亿人口面临失眠问题,而全球因睡眠不足导致的经济损失,预计高达3.8亿令吉。 在马来西亚,则有924万的城市人口,面对压力和失眠的问题。 全马首家疗愈睡眠的颂钵音疗中心——Kokorone,就主打“非侵入式治疗”,即使不服用药物,也能改善睡眠品质。
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Fuciphagus Agritech Sdn. Bhd. - Integration beyond culture & technology 超越文化与科技融合的燕窝王新时代
公司创立17年来,成功实现了从传统养燕和零售业务的转型,到如今拥有高新科技和国际发明专利权为支撑的企业。通过 燕窝王和SA Plus品牌的强势进入,业务覆盖马来西亚、中国、新加坡、台湾、美国和加拿大等多个国际市场。 主营业务主要集中在B2B市场,占比达到90%,提供高效的OEM生产服务,而10%是在B2C市场,目标客户为白领孕妇。 在2021年,公司成功完成了百万级的种子轮融资。截至2023年第四季度,公司订单簿已经100%满额,预计将实现高达100 万令吉的显著盈利增长。为了满足不断增长的订单需求,公司目前正在积极展开第二轮融资
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Beyond4 - Building the Talent & Startup Ecosystem across the SEA region.
Intelligent Multi-Tier Accelerator Ecosystem centered around talent, nurtures high potential startups on a journey to success through mentorship, funding and support services.
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MOVON - 开创订阅租赁时代,共创高品质未来 |Don’t Worry, Just move on
全马首个婴儿产品租赁品牌。 透过订阅租赁模式,颠覆传统的经营方式,为上市做最后的冲刺。 继Subplace推出Lockin后,原班人马展望再创高峰,以Movon推出星级产品TravelMate,打造全马首个婴儿产品租赁品牌。 Suplace团队拥有十年的租赁行业经验,更曾创造超过10亿营业额,成功将租赁模式复制到家电、美容、智能锁等领域,如今则抢占风口,进军潜力无限的母婴产品市场。
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Samspace - 成为大马家居首选品牌
SamSpace, headquartered in Malaysia, is revolutionizing the home living sector. As an all-encompassing furniture and interior design entity, their mission is to merge affordability with a sense of minimalism. With a vision to be Malaysia's premier home brand, they are poised to address a growing furniture market projected to reach 61.8 billion USD in the next five years. Navigating challenges like limited design choices and extended delivery times, SamSpace offers streamlined processes, collaborating with multiple designers to provide diverse and contemporary choices. Their dual approach targets both online and offline channels, recognizing the dominance of physical stores in Malaysia's retail landscape. The experienced team, having gained recognition for business acumen, is steering the company towards international expansion, specifically targeting markets like Singapore and Vietnam. As they consolidate their brand in Malaysia and extend to Indonesia, SamSpace presents an enticing equity crowdfunding opportunity in 2023 through the Redeemable Convertible Preference Share (RCPS) scheme, inviting investors to be part of their transformative journey.
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Chef B - Sauce Your Solutions
Becoming The Promising Malaysia Food Sauce Kitchen
Lizz's Kitchen - Creating Malaysia's Top Catering Home-Cooked Meals Service | 创建马来西亚顶级家常菜餐饮服务
Our goal is to ascend to the top tier of food caterers in the Klang Valley region, steadfastly upholding the authentic taste of home-cooked meals. We aim to serve as a crucial ally for busy urbanites by delivering wholesome and fulfilling meals daily. Our services free up your time, enabling you to concentrate on your professional tasks. Amidst the hustle of urban life, we offer you a culinary refuge that echoes with the warmth and familiarity of home-cooked meals. 我们的目标是成为巴生谷地区顶尖的食品供应商,坚持提供家常菜的真实味道。 我们致力于为忙碌的都市人提供重要的支持,每天送达营养丰富、满足感十足的饭菜。我们的服务解放了您的时间,让您专注于专业任务。在都市生活的忙碌中,我们为您提供了一个带有家常菜温暖和熟悉感的美食避风港。
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Klinik Dr.Prevents 24 Jam - Being Human, Being Different
Prevention is better than cure